At a Glance


Salvatorian Presence in India

We Salvatorians, work in different parts of India keeping in mind the words of our founder to fulfill his mission. Presently we stay in 12 communities, out of which Villoonni, Kottayam is our Regional house. We have currently 66 sisters, among them eight sisters work in Generalate and as missionaries in other countries.

Currently the formation is carried out with 2 Postulants and 4 Aspirants. We serve this country by getting accustomed to the tradition and customs practiced in each state. In order to live our charism, new missions are started only after taking into consideration the greatest needs of the people in the concern area.

The dreams are set upright with the helping hands of Sr. Anthonila Kanaparthi who holds the office as Regional Superior, Sr. Sonia P. Thomas as the Vicaress, Sr. Roslin Sebastian as the counsellor and Sr. Celestine Burrows as the Counselor and secretary along with Sr. Regis Mary Vanakka as the Procurator of the Region.